Construction Updates


Out-of-hours work is required to complete the installation of safety screens to the bridge section above Riverside Expressway   When:


Out-of-hours work is required to carry out the installation of safety screens to bridge section above Riverside Expressway   When:


From Tuesday 2 March 2021 construction will begin along Queens Wharf Rd. Motorcycle parking will be removed progressively from this


From Monday 22 March 2021 Miller Park and Queens Wharf Road will be fenced and closed for public access while


From 21 June 2021 Stephens Lane will be closed for vehicle and pedestrian access. It will reopen as a walkway


On Monday 2 March Fitzgerald Constructions Australia will start early works at South Bank to enable the start of construction


From Monday 26 August 2019 materials will be lifted from trucks on George Street into the Queen’s Wharf construction site.


Temporary detour of the Clem Jones Promenade for overhead works on the Neville Bonner Bridge   When: From Monday 10


From Monday 26 September 2022 for 2 weeks, a temporary pedestrian detour from 6.30am to 6.30pm will be required to


Night works will continue to 30 September 2022, five nights a week. For safety reasons large exclusion zones are required


From Wednesday 14 September 2022 for two nights additional lighting and intermittent noise is expected for structural steel works. .


From Monday 20 June 2022 a temporary footpath closure on George Street adjacent to the Treasury Hotel will be required


From Monday 1 August 2022 a temporary footpath closure on George Street adjacent to the Treasury Hotel will be required


From Monday the 29 August 2022 for approximately 5 nights, George and Alice Streets footpaths between Margaret and William Streets


On Saturday 27 August 2022, out-of-hours works and a temporary traffic detour will be required for works to a tower


On Saturday 20 August a temporary traffic detour to remove a tower crane from the Queen’s Wharf site will be


From Friday 29 July 2022 for approximately 4 nights, Alice Street footpath between William and George Sts (on the Queen’s


On Monday 27 June, Delta Group will commence site establishment to enable early works on Queen’s Wharf Tower precinct. When:


One day per week, between Monday to Friday from 11am to 4pm for safety reasons, a temporary lane closure is


On Saturday 25 June 2022, out-of-hours works and a temporary traffic detour will be required for works to a tower