News & Updates

Extended night works: Structural steel with exclusion zones

Night works will continue to 30 September 2022, five nights a week. For safety reasons large exclusion zones are required for these works when minimal workers are on-site.


Night works are scheduled from 6.30pm to 5.30am Monday to Friday nights to 30 September 2022. These works are in addition to the standard site hours from 6.30am to 6.30pm Monday to Saturday. These works are site and weather dependent.


Night works will be within the Integrated Resort Development site. William Street and Queen’s Wharf Road will be used as loading zones (see map above).

What to expect:

At times the following may be noticed:
– Workers and vehicles including trucks, entering and exiting the site at various times
– Engine noise from tower cranes when operating
– Intermittent hammering on steel and hand held power tools
– Portable lighting directed at work areas.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your ongoing patience.
For construction enquires contact Multiplex (24/7 toll free) on 1800 931 760.