Soft strip and pre-demo work approvals

Destination Brisbane Consortium received approval from Economic Development Queensland in December 2016 for Demolition and Enabling Works to commence.
All activities on site require approvals that are subject to a rigorous and stringent review process which involves a number of State Government departments including the Department of State Development, Department of Transport and Main Roads, Economic Development Queensland and where applicable, Brisbane City Council.
Recently Destination Brisbane Consortium and its demolition and enabling works contractor Probuild met the approval conditions to commence pre-demolition. Building demolition is spilt into three core areas: soft-strip, pre-demolition and hard demolition.
Soft-strip is the removal of internal fittings and fixtures including furniture, carpets, ceilings and air-conditioning ducts.
Pre-demolition is about preparing the building’s exterior ahead of hard demolition, and includes the removal of awnings and balconies so the building can be scaffolded and wrapped.
Hard demolition is the removal of the actual buildings.
At Queen’s Wharf Brisbane, hard demolition will occur from the top down, using pulverisers and crushers on the roof, with all rubble tipped safely down the lift shafts where it will then be collected by trucks, covered and removed from site.
With both soft-strip and pre-demolition conditions met, Probuild has been coordinating the following activities:
Services removal and diversion work (electrical, gas, telecoms and water)
Soft strip of internal fit out in buildings
Sun shades and awning removal (from the Neville Bonner Building)
Tower crane installation
Fixed hoarding installation around the site perimeter (this will be in place for the next five plus years to safely separate the work area with public areas)
Scaffolding of buildings for demolition.
The next stage is for hard demolition approvals. Hard demolition means the major work to demolish the three non-heritage building structures – 100 George Street, 80 George Street and the Neville Bonner Building. If approval is granted in early April 2017, this work will commence by the end of the month.