Queen’s Wharf Brisbane’s construction supporting local jobs and procurement

Queen’s Wharf Brisbane will be an iconic world-class development when it expects to open in late 2022 and is already providing outstanding economic benefits during its construction phase via local jobs, training, and procurement.
Currently almost 100 per cent of goods and services are being sourced from Australia, with nearly 90 per cent from South East Queensland.
This will include up to 2,000 workers, across more than 30 trades, who will be on-site when construction peaks around 2021.
Workforce training initiatives will be undertaken during construction including upskilling existing workers, hiring apprentices and trainees, and providing vocational programs.
Multiplex Training Manager Jodie Trousdell said the company is proud to support initiatives that provide opportunities to upskill and develop careers in construction.
“Queen’s Wharf Brisbane will provide many opportunities for upskilling and pre-trade training over the life of its construction,” Ms Trousdell said.
“A dedicated training room will be established on-site in early 2020 to accommodate the programs that are planned.”
For the growing workforce in 2020, site sheds and a site canteen will be set up at 80B William Street, opposite 1 William Street.
Multiplex will be installing a covered gantry walkway five metres high over Margaret Street, connecting 80B William Street to the Queen’s Wharf site.
The walkway over Margaret Street will be used by workers to access both sites, reducing worker movements around the site boundary during working hours.
Installing the walkway will take two nights in February 2020 and will require a temporary road closure and detour on Margaret Street during works.
Standard construction hours will be in place from Monday to Saturday between 6.30am to 6.30pm for the development. For construction required outside these hours, advance notification will be provided.
The $3.6 billion Queen’s Wharf Brisbane integrated resort development is being delivered by Destination Brisbane Consortium – a joint venture led by The Star Entertainment Group alongside its Hong Kong-based partners, Chow Tai Fook Enterprises and Far East Consortium.
To submit an expression of interest for 2020 work packages, visit the Queen’s Wharf Brisbane ICN website page at https://gateway.icn.org.au/project/4499/queens-wharf-ird-part-a
To learn more about Queen’s Wharf Brisbane, visit www.queenswharfbrisbane.com.au and/or our Facebook page www.facebook.com/queenswharfbrisbane/.
For construction related enquiries, contact Multiplex either via phone 1800 931 760 or email queenswharfbrisbane@multiplex.global