Foreshore South Project Update

As part of the $3.6B Queen’s Wharf Brisbane development, Destination Brisbane Consortium will offer the combined total of 12 football fields of public space. One of the first public space deliverables will be the upgrade of a 500-metre section of the Bicentennial Bikeway, construction of a new 450 metre Mangrove Walk and recreational park behind 1 William Street.
The work that Multiplex will embark upon in the coming weeks is just the first phase of public realm works. A further 500 metre section of the bikeway will be upgraded during construction of Queen’s Wharf Brisbane.
The Foreshore South work will see Multiplex upgrade the bikeway to a 3-metre segregated cyclist pathway and a 2-metre pedestrian path that will run continuously from the Goodwill Bridge to behind 1 William Street. This will be complimented by a Mangrove Walk that will meander along the river’s edge, and Waterline Park located behind 1 William Street.
In preparation for these improvements, Multiplex has undertaken geotechnical drilling and soil investigation works along the existing bikeway and Waterline Park areas to inform their future construction methodology.
Multiplex Project Manager Tyson Macdonald said, “This is all part of the preparation and planning that needs to happen before upgrade activities can begin along the Bicentennial Bikeway in July. The bikeway upgrade will take approximately 12 months to complete.”
At the location of the future Waterline Park area, site fencing and sheds have been installed ready for the start of work.
Further preparation activities undertaken in June include safety improvements to Gardens Point Rd, the car park exits, and adjoining footpath that will form part of the route for cyclists and pedestrians.
“The bikeway diversion, along Gardens Point Rd and adjacent footpath, will provide users with an alternative route to the Bicentennial Bikeway on which to walk or ride while the section of Bicentennial Bikeway is upgraded between the Goodwill Bridge and area behind 1WS.”
The bikeway diversion is expected to commence 5am Monday 16 July with the traffic control in place to assist.
In addition to this, Multiplex has been coordinating activities for the future piling in the Brisbane River. This includes coordinating approvals and timing for the arrival of the piling barge and ordering of piles. It is expected that the piling barge will be mobilised to site (in the Brisbane River) during August.
Local Murarrie contractor Waterway Constructions has been appointed to carry out this work. Waterway Constructions is currently preparing their yard at Murarrie, which will serve as the project load-out for all major materials required for the bikeway upgrade and Mangrove Walk.
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