Project Update

Significant preparation work has been underway during April in readiness for the hard demolition of the three (non-heritage) buildings that will make way for the Queen’s Wharf Brisbane development.
The fittings and fixtures inside each building have been removed, services isolated and diverted, and the last of the asbestos is being safely removed.
Scaffolding has progressed around the Neville Bonner Building and 80A George Street. Hard demolition of these buildings is expected to start in early May.
Scaffolding of the Executive Building should be complete by the first week of May. Once complete, the prominent building will feature full length drop banners on all four sides of the Building, which will chart the progress of demolition as the former government powerhouse and Brisbane’s tallest demolition is brought down floor by floor.
Destination Brisbane Consortium Project Manager Katrina Face said the other key activity happening around site is the heritage bracing.
“The heritage bracing is a precautionary measure to further protect two heritage buildings in the precinct that have severe cracking on the external walls,” Ms Face said.
“The heritage bracing has already begun on the former Department of Primary Industries building and will also soon be applied to Harris Terrace.”
The bracing is only temporary and will be removed once excavation is complete.
“It is important to remember that we are taking this extra step as a precautionary measure, the modelling does not suggest it is needed, but we know the value and importance of these heritage buildings and this gives us peace of mind,” Ms Face said.
“We are following very strict heritage management procedures which include constant electronic and visual monitoring, as well as ways of working that will minimise vibration.”
Harris Terrace will be braced in May.