Plan of Development submitted for assessment

The masterplan that will steer the design of Queensland’s largest development, the multi-billion dollar Queen’s Wharf Brisbane integrated resort development, has been submitted to the Queensland Government for assessment.
Destination Brisbane Consortium and a team of more than 100 expert consultants have spent the past 12 months preparing the Plan of Development that will act as a framework for development of the Queen’s Wharf Brisbane precinct.
The plan consists of almost 40 reports and thousands of pages of design, planning and vision for the precinct, which is currently an underutilised riverfront area of the CBD.
The plan is now available to view on Economic Development Queensland’s (EDQ) website here.
Destination Brisbane Consortium Project Director Simon Crooks said, “Now that our plan has been submitted, EDQ has a legislative process to follow as it assesses whether the documentation meets their requirements and guidelines”.
“These include what iconic contribution to the city form that Queen’s Wharf Brisbane will make and how its design complements existing development.
“EDQ will also consider how heritage places are being conserved in our development, as well as their future adaptive reuse; how the development enhances connectivity and integration between the city and the river front; and how the development supports existing and new connections through the precinct, and integration with the surrounding area.
“We are very proud of our design, and have at all times sought to go above and beyond requirements to provide great outcomes for the city and broader community,” Mr Crooks said.
EDQ will conduct a thorough initial review of the application and when satisfied it meets requirements, a 30-business day public comment period will be announced. This will then be notified in the media, and via the Destination Brisbane Consortium website, social media channels and stakeholder letters.
Key points to note
- The Plan of Development (PoD) has been prepared in accordance with the Queen’s Wharf Brisbane Priority Development Area (PDA) Development Scheme adopted in 2016.
- Destination Brisbane Consortium’s PoD will act as a framework for all subsequent Queen’s Wharf Brisbane development applications made in respect of the project.
- The PoD builds on principles established in the 2016 Queen’s Wharf Brisbane PDA Development Scheme and in effect will act as a site-specific detailed planning framework for the future development to be assessed against.