Margaret Street lanes to re-open after critical works complete

From Thursday 8 February 2024 all four lanes will be open on Margaret Street and motorists exiting Gardens Point Road will have a dedicated lane.
As the precinct gets closer to welcoming guests, the removal of critical temporary traffic changes will take place to accommodate a new entry and exit for the Queen’s Wharf development.
When the precinct opens from August 2024, guests entering The Star Brisbane from the Margaret Street Riverside Expressway southbound off-ramp, will use a new ramp for access to the basement carpark that has been constructed adjacent to the William and Margaret Street intersection.
Guests coming from the northbound Margaret Street off-ramp will enter from the riverside along Queens Wharf Road entry.
To safely complete these works the four traffic lanes on Margaret Street needed to be temporarily reduced to three and an exclusion zone built for the safety of motorists and workers.
Critical night works will take place over three nights between Monday 5th February to Wednesday 7th February between 9pm and 5am each night. This is to convert Margaret Street back to the original four-lane configuration now that the works to the basement ramp and intersection are complete. The southbound Margaret Street off-ramp will also revert to its previous state.
During the out of hours works the southbound and northbound Margaret Street off-ramps will be closed for three nights while works are underway on Margaret Street. Motorists will need to use the Elizabeth Street off-ramps for access into the city during the out of hours night works.
Once the realignment works are completed, all four lanes will be operational on Margaret Street between William and George streets. The lanes will be reconfigured with line marking and new signage.
Gardens Point Road will remain open at all times after these works, with access onto Margaret Street and William Street available from Gardens Point Road when the Riverside off-ramp closures are in place. The left turn onto George Street will continue to remain in place.
William Street will be re-opened as a public road when the resort development opens – guests will have access to the The Star Grand hotel, porte cochère via William Street.
The $3.6 billion Queen’s Wharf Brisbane development is being delivered by Destination Brisbane Consortium – a joint venture led by The Star Entertainment Group alongside its Hong Kong-based partners, Chow Tai Fook Enterprises and Far East Consortium.