Excavation works progress update

Queen’s Wharf Brisbane quietly reached a milestone this month with the demolition of the final ground slab of the Executive Building on George Street.
The Executive building was first opened in 1971 by Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen and has hosted over nine premiers over 45 years until it closed its doors in 2016.
The Executive Building was the tallest building to be demolished in Brisbane’s history, standing at 15 storeys and more than 60 metres.
In its place will be the landmark $3.6 billion Queen’s Wharf development with excavation of the five-level basement nearly a quarter of the way complete.
Meanwhile, the construction of a water-proof wall along the river face of the development is almost complete and scheduled to be finished by early September.
The 172-metre-long wall is comprised of 28 individual panels and is designed to prevent potential groundwater entering the site.
Once the wall is complete, the yellow-coloured bentonite plant and associated cranes and machinery will be demobilised from site to enable further excavation of the basement carpark for the integrated resort development.
To date, the excavation of the carpark has reached 12 metres at the deepest point, with over 80,000m3 of material removed.
When complete, the excavation will be 28 metres deep with more than 450,000m3 of material removed to enable the next phase of construction works to commence on site.
Looking ahead, the main activity on site over the coming months will be a continuation of excavation and shoring works and then preparing the site for the start of construction on the integrated resort development foundations later in the year.
For more information on the excavation and shoring – sign up for construction updates on our website www.queenswharfbrisbane.com.au or contact Probuild direct on P:1800 676 329 or email www.quenswharf@probuild.com.au.