Demolition continues at Queen’s Wharf Tower Precinct

Delta Group will commence demolition of the former Queen’s Wharf Visitor Centre, which will require construction of new external hoarding on the corner of George and Alice Streets.
For the past two and a half years, the Queens Wharf Visitor Centre has been a key attraction for tourists and locals alike. The Centre recently closed to make way for demolition and early works of the Queen’s Wharf Tower Precinct.
Queen’s Wharf Tower display suite remains open until late September, sitting 21 meters above ground, showcasing luxurious residential apartments. With very limited apartment sales remaining, all inspections remain by appointment only – please visit qwtower.com.au for more information.
Following completion of service disconnections and removal of all internal fittings and fixtures, demolition will commence using large hydraulic pulverisers and mechanical grabs to minimise hammering where possible. Noise and dust monitoring is in place, with dust mitigation strategies actively being deployed.
Once demolition is completed, Urbis and Delta Group will undertake the detailed archaeological excavation of the old Bellevue Hotel footings.
Ongoing works in the Tower 5 footprint continue, with the construction of the piling platform, piling of the retention wall bored piers and capping beam. Bulk site excavation is anticipated to commence in September 2022.
Delta’s approved construction hours are Monday to Friday 06:30am to 06:30pm. For more information about these works please subscribe to our construction notices by clicking the stay informed button on the top right of our website.