Building strong foundations on Queen’s Wharf Brisbane

Foundation works have commenced, marking the start of construction for the integrated resort development.
Earlier this year, Destination Brisbane Consortium awarded Multiplex the contract for the shell and core of the main integrated resort. The extent of this work includes construction of the basement, base services, tower structures and building facades.
On 11 July 2019, Multiplex took possession of the main Queen’s Wharf site in a collaborative effort between the outgoing contractor Probuild, the developer Destination Brisbane Consortium and new principal contractor Multiplex, ensuring a smooth transition from the excavation phase to construction.
Destination Brisbane Consortium Project Director Simon Crooks said he was pleased with the transition between contractors.
“It is a credit to all parties involved that they have transitioned the site from one contractor to another and only stopped work for a few hours while the teams were reinducted into Mutliplex’s safety procedures,” he said.
“This gives us confidence that we are progressing as we need to for the targeted opening date of late-2022.”
Foundation works are already underway with the lift cores established on The Star Grand Hotel, Towers 2 and 3.
“Establishing the lift cores for both towers marks an important milestone, enabling foundation and structural works for the basement and base services to progress,” said Mr Crooks.
In coming weeks, the site access ramp to William Street (Elizabeth St end) will be removed, and additional foundation works will start such as the footing pads and concrete slabs for Tower 1 at the Elizabeth St side of the site.
The first of seven satellite concrete pumps is being installed, with three permanent concrete pump stations to be established in the coming months.
The concrete pumps will allow for a total of approximately 180,000m³ of concrete to be poured on-site during construction of the four towers.
The construction works are expected to reach George Street level in late-2020, with the Queen’s Wharf Brisbane integrated resort development expected to open in late-2022.
Standard construction hours will be in place from Monday to Saturday, 6.30am to 6.30pm for the duration of works.
For construction required outside these hours, Multiplex together with Destination Brisbane Consortium will provide advance notification through the construction notices sent by email and listed on the project website www.queenswharfbrisbane.com.au/construction.
For any construction related enquiries please contact Multiplex direct on 1800 931 760 (toll free) or email queenswharfbrisbane@multiplex.global.