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Work starts on a phased upgrade of the Bicentennial Bikeway as part of Queen’s Wharf Brisbane

From this morning, Brisbane cyclists and pedestrians have begun taking a temporary diversion along Gardens Point Road while a 500-metre section of the riverfront bikeway closes to undergo an exciting upgrade for the future.

This first section of bikeway – between the Goodwill Bridge and 1 William Street – will be enhanced and improved as part of the Queen’s Wharf Brisbane public realm works.

The section will take approximately 12 months to complete, with work that will increase the cycle lane width to three metres, improve the lines of sight, and remove dangerous pinch points.

A two-metre-wide segregated pedestrian path will be built alongside the bikeway, while an elevated ‘Mangrove Walk’ will be constructed as a scenic pedestrian walking track over the river.

Once complete, the first section will be followed by a phased upgrade of the bikeway all the way to the Victoria Bridge.

In total, one kilometre of bikeway between the Goodwill and Victoria bridges will be enhanced as part of the $3.6 billion Queen’s Wharf Brisbane integrated resort development.

“We are incredibly excited that our consortium can now begin creating the first public recreational areas as part of our development, improving the safety of the area and significantly beautifying this prime riverfront land that has been underutilised for years,” said The Star Entertainment Group Managing Director Queensland, Geoff Hogg.

“Of course, safety during construction is our number one priority and our consortium has worked tirelessly with a range of stakeholders including Bicycle Queensland, the wider cycling community, QUT, local council, and other government authorities to design our alternative route in the interim.

“The alternative route has been developed based on independent traffic studies, traffic engineering reports, and consultation with bicycle groups, which have also contributed to the many safety improvements that we will be making along Gardens Point Road.”

The diversion route for pedestrians and cyclists during this first phase of the bikeway upgrade will be along Gardens Point Road.

Bicycle Queensland CEO Anne Savage said Destination Brisbane Consortium worked closely with Bicycle Queensland and local cycling groups to seek feedback and incorporate suggestions into the final diversion design.

“The diversion along Gardens Point Road is a safe, seamless solution for cyclists and pedestrians, which has been achieved through strong community consultation and engagement.

“This is a world-class model for other developers to follow and we commend the efforts of the project team. We are pleased to support this well-considered investment in community life.”

Cyclists now have a shared zone with vehicles on Gardens Point Road, where the speed has been reduced to 20km/hour and added safety measures have been introduced such as extra traffic signage, new road markings, and digital speed recognition warning signs.

The pedestrian path along Gardens Point Road has been widened in several sections, upgraded to be DDA compliant, and now features additional safety measures.

These include tapered corners for better line of sight, convex mirrors where vehicles exit car parks, and more clearly-marked shared pathway signage. The widened-pedestrian path is also available to cyclists if they prefer not to use the shared roadway. Access to the QUT CityCat terminal will remain open at all times.

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Further information:

Graham Witherspoon | Stakeholder & Communications Manager

Destination Brisbane Consortium

