People, environment & heritage

Heritage Preservations

Beautiful heritage buildings and places have been restored and repurposed, providing unique experiences and creating stories and memories for future generations.

Brisbane's Heritage brought back to life

The historic Queen’s Wharf Brisbane precinct is the birthplace of European settlement nearly 200 years ago, and a home to Indigenous Australians for thousands of years.

It holds one of the greatest collections of culturally significant heritage buildings and places in Australia.

After decades of mystery, these neglected buildings and places will come alive through careful restoration work and repurposing.

Locals and visitors will be able to able to enjoy beautifully restored spaces in a variety of ways including cultural, retail, dining, hotel, entertainment and tourist attraction spaces.

Former DPI Building
Harris Terrace

Conservation management plans

As part of the development, Destination Brisbane Consortium prepared robust conservation management plans (CMPs) for all heritage buildings and places in the Queen’s Wharf Brisbane precinct.

These heritage buildings and places include Miller Park, Queen’s Park, and the William Street and Queen’s Wharf Road retaining walls.

The CMPs were prepared in accordance with the Department of Environment and Science’s Heritage Protection guidelines for preparing management plans and focused strongly on identifying and conserving heritage values in accordance with the Australian ICOMOS Burra Charter. The Burra Charter provides best practice principles and procedures to follow in conserving Australian heritage places and is recognised internationally as a best practice framework for heritage management.

The CMPs advocated the ongoing use of the buildings and provided guidance for their adaptive reuse with consideration of how to best conserve, interpret and enhance the significant elements of each building and place.

Heritage protection process

Queen’s Wharf Brisbane will go through an independent development assessment process, managed by Economic Development Queensland (EDQ), as the development sits within the Queen’s Wharf Brisbane Priority Development Area (PDA).

EDQ will assess Destination Brisbane Consortium’s development application against the adopted PDA development scheme and consult with the Department of Environment and Science and the Queensland Heritage Council on all significant heritage matters throughout the process.

Our consortium is pleased to continue working with state government and the Queensland Heritage Council to ensure the development protects and preserves Brisbane’s treasured heritage buildings and places.

For more information about the Queen’s Wharf Brisbane PDA development scheme, visit